Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Temple Mountain

So I have arrived back in the Southwest. My first two days back were spent in the gracious ward of friends I was introduced to by a friend in Canyon. They're of that caliber of person that you meet and become instant family with. They showered me with gifts (both physical and intellectual and spiritual), shared their arts with me, graced with me with a total resort experience in their gorgeous home and educated me in the rich treasure available for experience and painting in the Southwest. I left their company feeling completely rejuvenated, enriched, nourished. What a blessing. Hoping to return the love when they visit Canyon soon.
I've been camping these last 3 days; it's completely marvelous. Lots of unpredictable weather here; seems like it'll be a warm, clear day and 4 minutes later the wind blasts in rain-pregnant clouds and sky ripping thunder--and you find yourself in the company of numerous magical puddles in your poorly water-proofed tent. But it's incredibly beautiful. I spent a night in Lockett Meadow in the San Francisco Mountains near Flagstaff, AZ. Did a hike into the Inner Basin-it felt like pilgrimage to a temple, as perhaps you can see from the pictures. The next day I drove all the way to Santa Fe-which was really a long drive-and stopped in Petrified National Forest where I was rendered almost unconscious by the geological majesty of the Painted Desert. Spent the last two nights in the Santa Fe National Forest, which has been sweet and cozy. Started raining today; cold, overcast. The plan is to head out to Moab, UT to paint for a few weeks at Arches NP, Green River Overlook/Island in the Sky and the Needles section. Probably won't have much internet access during this period, so love to you all, and may peace and compassion be with you:)

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