Monday, June 29, 2009

Couch Surfing!

I feel as though my trip has built itself into a big creature...and I'm along for the ride. Like a small child hanging on at the end of the taut leash attached to the eager St. Bernard's collar. But much more fun. I was organizing all my photos and remembering all the many beautiful moments and places and people I've do things like this create themselves? I'm in awe of this experience.
By complete chance and practically no work on my part, (well, not the kind of work you usually have to put into these kinds of things) my work has been accepted at a small gallery in Pagosa Springs, Colorado. I painted 2 paintings specifically for this show, and am including a larger one done in Sedona, as well. I'm planning to somehow get some nice quality photos taken of theses pieces (in case they sell!), and if they do sell, I'll be sure to post pictures of them so you'll all get to see them. The reception for the show is July 3rd and the show ends July 31st, and I’m extremely excited! Its amazing to really embrace this path as my professional presence in the world.
On the subject of being in the world, I had to get all three pieces framed, which was not something I had planned into my budget, and it was expensive, so I’m looking for a way to pick up some dough some way or another…or perhaps these paintings will sell! 
I’m happy either way.
After visiting with the Goddesses, I journeyed to Taos, NM to greet the great Rio Grande Gorge and the mystical quality of that land. It was magnificent. Plus, I spent some of my time there in a yurt on an organic farm owned by a man who makes his living as a painter! It was a lovely experience. I met him through and am now highly recommending this network to my loved ones (you!). I see it as a beautiful way to connect us all; a way to stay with a family or individual anywhere in the world, and share your experiences publicly, creating a community that establishes trust and camaraderie. The real experience of the Global Family. I see it as a revolution, a delightful way that we can build towards world peace. For instance, I’ve been couch surfing here in Pagosa Springs, and considering that 1.) I am in the company of a wonderful person who has deep insights into life and enjoys philosophizing, 2.) a washer, dryer, kitchen, bathroom (with a SHOWER!) and bedroom are graciously offered for nothing in exchange, and 3.) all of my artwork has had a chance to dry indoors, couch surfing has my vote.
Here’s the URL: (Please note their request for respect for the ethics they outline before you sign up, if you’re interested. I intend only to refer those willing to contribute to this community in a positive way. As I know you all will:)).
Anyway, things are brilliant. In oh so many ways!!
Will keep y’all posted about the gallery opening:)

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